In a Utopian world, no woman should have to watch over her shoulder to see who is following her or look at her watch before hailing a late- night cab. Delhi, unfortunately is no Utopian city. Quite the contrary any woman who has even briefly visited the city may have a tale or two to narrate of being stalked, cat-called or even worse. In this tutorial and the accompanying video, we share with you how women in distress can access help from Delhi Police with just one click using the Himmat Plus App.

Why Use a Safety App
In present day and time when you turn to your Smartphone to solve all your problems, be it shopping or research or entertainment, why overlook something as important as your Safety. Given, that most Safety apps are available for free, the only investment you have to make is a few MBs of digital space in your phone.
A Safety App lets you pre-feed an SOS message and numbers of your emergency contacts. A few pro-active steps taken in advance can help save precious time when every moment counts.
Why Choose Himmat Plus App
If you search for ‘women safety apps’ on Google Play store or Apple Store, you’ll get plenty of results. We suggest that you read reviews and run a trial to ensure the Safety App actually works. That said, Himmat Plus is an App by Delhi Police which means that along with alerting your own emergency contacts, you can access direct help from police without having to go to a police station.
Himmat Plus is Free App and it takes nearly 8 MB of space.
How to Install & Register on Himmat Plus App
1. Go to Google Play Store, Apple Store or Delhi Police’s website (Link:

2. Download/INSTALL the Himmat Plus App. The App will ask for access to your contacts, location, wi-fi etc. Click ACCEPT
3. You'll be asked to choose your preferred language -- presently the apps gives you option to choose between Hindi & English.

4. Once you select language, you will be asked for a Registration Key. For the first time user Click SIGN UP. To register the app requires following mandatory details:
a) Your Name
b) Your Mobile Number
c) An Emergency back-up number
5. Once registered you will receive a 6-digit key on your registered mobile number.

ENTER this on the App screen. If you are already registered but don’t have the 6-digit key, choose FORGOT KEY option on registration screen. You’ll be sent a new KEY. On entering the key, you'll reach the interface screen.
On Home Page you’ll find Advisory/News from Delhi Police.

6. Go to the SETTINGS option on TOP RIGHT.

In USER SETTING you can choose to update your Emergency Number.

7. In SOS SETTING You can choose your Emergency Message.

You can also use ADD CONTACT option to add from your phone-book, the numbers of people to be alerted during any emergency. Click SAVE afterwards.
8. The third option in SETTING takes you to ALERTS page. Here you can choose how you would like to send SOS signal. You can choose to ‘Enable the POWER BUTTON’ or ‘Enable the SHAKE ALERT’. You can ENABLE or DISABLE SOS depending upon your need. (Watch Video below to find more on when to Enable & Disable SOS & Auditing Unsafe Spaces)

How to send SOS during distress
a) Shake phone vigorously
b) Press Power button repeatedly
c) Press SOS button on interface
What happens AFTER you send an SOS signal
We at SLAP caught up with Delhi Police to find out what happens when a woman sends out SOS signal. According to ACP Bharat Reddy, when an SOS signal is sent an ALERT pops up at the Police Control Room. “Within 10 seconds the person receives a call back and if the caller doesn’t respond, automatically the app sends a 10-15 second recording to PCR based on which the severity of situation is determined and follow-up action taken (Check Video below to watch interview of ACP Bharat Reddy on Himmat App)
Benefits of Himmat Plus App
- You can send out distress signal with just a click/shake
- You can have your cab journey monitored by police when traveling alone
Limitation/A word of Caution
Although Safety Apps are meant to help women in distress, it is important to know that sometimes due to poor connectivity and/or technical snags Apps may fail to work.
Nevertheless, having a Safety App is one of the most effortless and simple steps that women can take in a series of multiple steps towards self-defence. (Click here to check out 5 Self-Defence steps every woman must take)